We specialise in delivering courses by distance and blended learning. Courses that do not require evidence of practice can be delivered entirely Online. Courses that require evidence of competence will require evidence of practice. In this case, some safe socially distanced face to face interaction might be required. It is however possible, depending on your needs, access to resources, suitable learning opportunities and access to expert witnesses to still complete entirely remotely.

Focus and Achieve aims to provide low cost, reliable, value for money training, which do not compromise quality of our services and courses. To achieve this, we have invested in our staff who are multi-skilled or working towards. As a result we do not rely on third parties or others when it comes to functions that make an efficient learning environment such as access to assessors, tutors, mentors and quality assurers. Most of our learning resources are also developed in-house cutting any third parties and costs.
As long as you are a genuine candidate who is willing to work hard and take your learning seriously, we will work with you in partnership until you achieve your qualification. You are enrolling after all to earn your qualification, not to buy one.
In return, Focus and Achieve has pioneered some fast-track learning solutions by maximising assessment opportunities, technology, natural work-based evidence and prior learning to ensure efficiency. There are no cutting corners.
We are fully committed to providing inclusive learning and breaking the barriers that prevent individuals from achieving life-changing and career-enhancing qualifications. At Focus and Achieve we do not believe in complicating courses for the sake of complicating them to justify high fees and unnecessary course duration. Do not mistake our low prices for inferior qualifications or poor service?
We do not just see ourselves as a training provider but an agent of change involved in learning and development research, embracing evidence-based practice and collaborative working with all stakeholders (learners, employers, regulators etc). Everybody matters.